151 – Always Choose Love with Shadin El-Kasheef

Our guest today, Shadin El-Kasheef, is a former emergency department nurse since 2009. Shadin understands the complexity of health & the gaps that exist in the current healthcare system. He also understands that access to timely and effective care is a major challenge that many faces, especially the disenfranchised and vulnerable populations in today’s society.

His goal is to eliminate psychological suffering worldwide using Mental Fitness and the Always Choose Love Philosophy.

For Shadin, mental Fitness is composed of 4 elements:
  • Radical Acceptance
  • Growth Mindset
  • Mindfulness and Meditation

Find out more about Shadin following his social media and webpage:

Podcast produced by Brilliant Futures Productions.
Sponsored by Delaflor Teachings Int.

Ivonne Delaflor
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