The Nature of Woman

The Nature of Woman.‬

‪Our strength resides in our femininity, ‬
‪our courage in our vulnerability, ‬
‪our power in our flexibility, ‬
‪our beauty in the force and truth of our spirit. ‬

‪In the presence of our passion and our love we can heal worlds, we can forgive, we can inspire change, we can create and ignite movements that transcend time and space.‬

‪In our truth, we can nurture children, we can support man to increase his own magnificence, and we can nurture and empower the future generations to come.‬

‪We are alchemists of health, and we have the ability and privilege to love deeply.‬

‪We can nurse humanity into growth, we can feed our loved ones with nurturing meals of praise, of hope, of freedom, of care. ‬

‪We cradle in our arms the dreams of children.‬

‪And We have never been powerless, or victims. ‬

‪For some of us, Our resilience and strength transcends the musculature of a body, yet we are powerful beyond belief, ‬

‪We carry with grace and wisdom the wounds of our ancestors, of ourselves, of our fathers, of our mothers,‬

‪We surrender, and receive God within us every moment.‬

‪Our nature is not to compete with one another , but to nurture and support the unity in the diversity that we are.‬

‪We fight no war. For our mission is that of life, of love, of birth and rebirth.‬

‪We work to meet our own power with humility, to understand the inner storms that nature mirrors in our inner world.‬

‪We are Gods’ divine masterpiece, a work always in progress.‬

‪We are the subtle whispers of spirit. And hold a sacred space in the cave of our soul for the silent yet loud cry of the wounded warriors.‬

‪We mourn the loss of those who died, got lost, or perished in the lands of ignorance or injustice ‬

‪We grieve, we rejoice, we sing, we dance…and never give up on love.‬

‪We make mistakes, make amends, we pray, we work, we course correct, we have faith ‬

‪We realize that We are here to love,‬
‪That We are the custodians of the chalice of the feminine spirit, and That we are no lesser or holier than anything or anyone, ‬

‪We are the power of woman,‬
‪Of sensuality,‬
‪Of spirit ‬

‪We are here to co-create a kingdom that designs NEW destinies…‬

‪We are here to be free ‬

‪We are here to love.

‪”A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy; a wise woman refuses to be anyone’s victim”. Maya Angelou‬

‪I love you all, 
Yes all

Thank you ‬

‪Ivonne Delaflor ❤️????

Ps: Dedicated to my beloved daughter Alhia.

Ivonne Delaflor
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