
The Transcendental Rebirthing™ system is a creation of Ivonne Delaflor. It is a sacred, safe, and supported environment where any human being, no matter the experience he/she has had, is able to explore their birth and beyond with the support of a conscious team we call sacred womb-mates.

The transmutation of Ids, created by the beliefs of traumatic experiences, analogical states of mind, disintegrations, or subconscious assumptions in T.R (Transcendental Rebirth™) are immediately transmuted and elevated in to golden nuggets of wisdom, leading towards integration, realization and absolute recognition of that which truly belongs to an individual to work on in divine timing and absolute mature adult-ship.

The inner child is acknowledged all the way through this process, in which the person in turn to rebirth is supported whole-heartedly in his/her intention, to rebirth in ecstasy, bliss, reverence, and wisdom.